Welcome to My Journal!

UPDATE: I’ve moved my regular writing to Substack! This is now my archives.

Here on my blog, I love to write personal stories, truths I’m learning from studying Scripture, lessons I’ve learned from those wiser than me, and what God is teaching me through writing.

I’d for you sit back in your favourite chair while the little ones sleep or while you’re on break from work and read a bit of what I’m thinking on these days. Feel free to reach out with any questions or thoughts of your own!

Theology, Ordinary Faith Lara d'Entremont Theology, Ordinary Faith Lara d'Entremont

The Lost Tools of Learning Christianity

How are you teaching your children about God? As believers, we may think that as long as we share the key stories, send our children to church and youth groups, and memorize the passages from our curriculum, all will be well. Yet we live in a world of deconstructed faith and every wind of false doctrine. What if our children need more than memorized Bible verses and a children’s program at church?

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Biblical Literacy, Theology Lara d'Entremont Biblical Literacy, Theology Lara d'Entremont

Where the Spiritual Formation Movement Goes Wrong

We’re exhorted to seek solitude, journal towards holiness, go on nature walks to connect with God, and take extended periods of silence to listen and clear our minds. Do all these practices and more, they say, to grow closer to God and be holy. Dear reader, do all these checklist items miss the theological and even practical mark that the Bible lays out for us?

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Ordinary Faith, Theology Lara d'Entremont Ordinary Faith, Theology Lara d'Entremont

The Non-Paralyzing Search For God’s Will

Searching for “peace” about a decision. Listening for God’s direction. Following the leading of the Holy Spirit. Waiting for a word from the Lord. All of these and more often lead to Christian Decision Paralysis. What if we could make decisions without Christian Decision Paralysis taking a hold of us? What if discovering God’s will wasn’t such a mystical, mysterious hunt?

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Ordinary Faith, Theology Lara d'Entremont Ordinary Faith, Theology Lara d'Entremont

When Changes of Mind Frighten Me

I’ve known for a long time that I don’t like change. Over the past few years, I’ve recognized my unhealthy grasping for control over people, weather, health, and other realities I can’t possibly sway to my liking. But it wasn’t until the past year or so that I reckoned how much changes of mind rattled me—both in others and in myself.

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Biblical Literacy, Ordinary Faith, Theology Lara d'Entremont Biblical Literacy, Ordinary Faith, Theology Lara d'Entremont

When You Disagree With Your Sister in Christ

Have you ever sat across from a friend and felt your theological disagreements strike up between you like a jagged fence? Perhaps it felt like a crack in the foundation of your friendship, and your heart ached a little—from wonder at how she disagreed with you to fears of losing your friend. How do we move forward?

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