The Weight of a Memory

How much does a memory weigh?

When it falls over me like a heavy blanket

In the darkness of my dreams,

It’s like a hand crushing me with its weight.

How strong is a memory?

When it grips me like a fist

In bright daylight, unashamed of its evil,

It’s a captor’s hand leading me to places of terror.

How does a memory taste?

When it swallows me 

In the midst of an ordinary task,

It tastes like bile in a dry mouth.

How quiet is a memory?

When it whispers in my ears

As the world bellows around me,

It sounds like a cacophony of chains rattling.

How does a memory change you?

When it retells the story that caused you much pain

It makes you boil with rage you never thought you had,

To protect you from ever gaining another memory like that.

The weight of a memory is strong.

Will you bear its weight with me?

With an arm under yours,

Will you help hold the story that feels too much to bear?

The volume of a memory is loud,

Will you re-story me? Rehearse the truth with me?

Will you show me my place in the story of redemption,

When the fog makes it impossible for me to see?

The weight of a memory comes lighter,

With the strength of another,

Though I still feel its burden,

I no longer bend as low under it.


Lara d'Entremont

Hey, friend! I’m Lara d’Entremont—follower of Christ, wife, mother, and biblical counsellor. My desire in writing is to teach women to turn to God’s Word in the midst of their daily life and suffering to find the answers they need. She wants to teach women to love God with both their minds and hearts.

When Doctrine Makes Us Uncomfortable


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