How to Make a Decision That Glorifies God
I stood at a crossroad. I had decisions to make but felt paralyzed. I was eighteen years old, considering which university to choose for my undergraduate studies. I heard other believers say and had read in Christian living books that I needed to pray and listen for God’s response to my prayers. Others said I wouldn’t hear an audible response from God but would experience a “peace” (whatever that meant) around one of the options. Still others told me to ask God for a sign. I had already tried seeking my answer in Scripture by using concordances and Google searches, but God’s Word remained silent on this issue.
I once heard a story from a girl in a similar position as me who had prayed for a sign, and the next day in her prayer group someone mentioned the name of a university she was considering. She had gotten her sign and made her decision at that moment. I asked God to give me a similar sign, but I received none.
God didn’t intend for our decision-making process to be filled with mystery.
Perhaps you’re standing at a crossroad too. You’re unsure how to move forward. As a believer, you want to make a decision that is pleasing to God and will glorify him. Yet this decision-making process is hazy.
What if I told you that it doesn’t have to be this confusing? What if it didn’t have to be so murky, vague, and filled with so much guesswork? What if decision-making doesn’t always have to feel like a blind leap of faith into a dark pool with no sight of what lurks on the bottom?
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