Welcome to My Journal!

UPDATE: I’ve moved my regular writing to Substack! This is now my archives.

Here on my blog, I love to write personal stories, truths I’m learning from studying Scripture, lessons I’ve learned from those wiser than me, and what God is teaching me through writing.

I’d for you sit back in your favourite chair while the little ones sleep or while you’re on break from work and read a bit of what I’m thinking on these days. Feel free to reach out with any questions or thoughts of your own!

Ordinary Faith Lara d'Entremont Ordinary Faith Lara d'Entremont

How to Counsel Those Who Doubt

When someone doubts their salvation, we shouldn’t come questioning what they have done for God and how much they love him—we should come with the message of the gospel. Let’s counsel those who doubt with the gospel, not their works.

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