Welcome to My Journal!
UPDATE: I’ve moved my regular writing to Substack! This is now my archives.
Here on my blog, I love to write personal stories, truths I’m learning from studying Scripture, lessons I’ve learned from those wiser than me, and what God is teaching me through writing.
I’d for you sit back in your favourite chair while the little ones sleep or while you’re on break from work and read a bit of what I’m thinking on these days. Feel free to reach out with any questions or thoughts of your own!
The Outward Bend of Faithfulness
Our acts of faithfulness can at times seem so personal and pertinent to only ourselves, that over time our eyes slowly turn inward. Our self-centered hearts have a habit of turning us inward, even when something is meant to drive us outward to our neighbour and upward to God. How do we keep our gaze where it’s supposed to be in this daily plodding along?
Longing For Home
Have you felt homesick before? Abraham likewise intimately understood what it was like to be uprooted from his home, but he learned to keep his eyes on the eternal promises of God.
When Our Minds Fail, Jesus Will Not Lose Us
Alzheimer’s took much of my grandmother’s memory, and I’m sure it took much of what she knew about God. After her death, I wondered what that forgetting meant for her. If she could forget me, if she could forget her own daughters, what did that mean for the spiritual things? Were they forgotten too? I laid awake at night and wondered at the same questions for myself. As I have grown older in both years and faith, I’ve grown to take comfort in God’s words of promise to His people.
Learning to Stand on Peaceful Land Together
We often struggle in our relationships with believers we disagree with. What if it’s because we’re hanging on so tightly to our disagreements that we are unwilling to find a peaceful place to stand together? How do we learn to stand on the peaceful grounds of the gospel together despite our differences?
When Suffering Strains Our Prayer Life
I can spend days mulling over thoughts and concerns in my head or one day blurt them out in a text to a friend, but how often do I bring these petitions to my Heavenly Father? In suffering, my prayer life can become wobbly. Why? Here are just a handful of reasons why prayer is hard during suffering and how God’s grace covers us even in those weak hours.
When My Faith is Weak and Weary, Give Me Jesus
Maybe you have felt that too, that grasping in the air for faith while your hope is depleted. If your faith is weak and you’re stumbling through a barren land in search of something to strengthen you, there is one who loves you, who supplies your every ounce of faith, even when you feel faithless.
We Live by Faith, Not by Feelings
Shortly after I became a believer, I still lived by my feelings rather than my faith. I doubted my salvation because it didn’t feel real. Do you live by your feelings? Do you live in a similar way that I did? If so, we need to consider what God’s Word has to say about our feelings, and what living by faith actually looks like.