Learning how to Discern Our Feelings

As a five-year-old little girl, the drive to town from our rural community felt like it took forever. “How much longer, Mum?” I whined. I already flipped through my picture book twice and played all my favorite songs on my Walkman. Watching out the window at the winding roads and trees, this trip seemed to take hours. In reality, the trip was barely an hour. As I grew older, the trip seemed to grow shorter. What used to feel like three hours only felt like thirty minutes. After making many six hour trips from university to home and back again, an hour was short in comparison.

Despite what I’ve felt over the years about the trip to town, the length of time it takes to get there has always remained under an hour.

As natural as our feelings are, they don’t always communicate what is true. Our feelings often fall short of reality, though they can easily convince us of a different perception. But as believers, we are called to live by and think on what is true—not what feels true—and the truth of God’s Word must always prevail over our feelings.

Read the rest of this article on Morning By Morning.

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Lara d'Entremont

Hey, friend! I’m Lara d’Entremont—follower of Christ, wife, mother, and biblical counsellor. My desire in writing is to teach women to turn to God’s Word in the midst of their daily life and suffering to find the answers they need. She wants to teach women to love God with both their minds and hearts.
