Welcome to My Journal!
UPDATE: I’ve moved my regular writing to Substack! This is now my archives.
Here on my blog, I love to write personal stories, truths I’m learning from studying Scripture, lessons I’ve learned from those wiser than me, and what God is teaching me through writing.
I’d for you sit back in your favourite chair while the little ones sleep or while you’re on break from work and read a bit of what I’m thinking on these days. Feel free to reach out with any questions or thoughts of your own!
The Courage to Kill Our Darling Words
The writers who know their words—just like the grass of the field—won’t last forever will be able to write better words.
How To Be In God’s Word When You’re Struggling with Anxiety
You’ve been told all your life that God’s Word will put your mind at peace and calm your fears, yet they still rage no matter what you do. Even as you repeat Bible verses to yourself, your heart stamps in your chest. You try to focus on the text before you, but anxiety fogs and clouds your brain. How do we stay in God’s Word while anxiety fills us?
Communion with God Through Ordinary Means
Growing up, I always craved the intimate relationship I saw that others had with God. But it seemed like this intimate relationship was always out of reach. What I didn’t realize is that in Christ, God has provided the way for me to have an intimate relationship with him—one of speaking and listening, of learning and growing in love.
What If God Doesn’t Speak to Me?
Do you wonder why God never speaks to you? Pastors, conference speakers, mentors, and friends all hear from God. But all you hear is the humming of your dishwasher. You never feel any nudges or hear any whispers. Maybe you’re starting to wonder if God loves you less.
Memorial Pieces of My Home
I have memorials in my home. I have pieces that provoke feelings, memories, and thoughts. For each one that brings grief, I have another that gives me a glimpse at eternity. But even these memorials are temporary. I also need something that doesn’t tarnish. Something everlasting. I need to treasure God’s Word in my heart. Perhaps in physical ways that I can see and tangible ways I can touch.
Learning how to Discern Our Feelings
As natural as our feelings are, they don’t always communicate what is true. Our feelings often fall short of reality, though they can easily convince us of a different perception. But as believers, we are called to live by and think on what is true—not what feels true—and the truth of God’s Word must always prevail over our feelings.
Loving God and Loving Neighbour Well by Knowing the Word
When we think of ways to grow in our love for God and our neighbours, we often think of public or visible acts of service in which we give our time and resources: volunteering in church, donating money and clothes, babysitting for a tired mom, cooking a meal for a mourning family, and the like. But have we ever considered that loving God and loving our neighbours well means that we must know God’s Word well?
When Motherhood Changes Your Bible Study Time
How do we study the Bible as sleep-deprived, weary moms? Mothers at any stage can easily fall into the lie that says we must study the Bible a certain way, everyday. Though Bible study is essential to the Christian life, we must guard against Bible study legalism.
Learn to Study the Bible as a Teacher of the Word
God commands us to be quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to anger—we are to study God’s Word with eagerness, patience, and diligence before teaching it to others, and accept what it teaches us rather than rebel in anger. Unsure how to do that? Here are a few steps you can take each time you prepare to teach on a passage of Scripture.
Internalizing God’s Word: Why and How to Memorize God’s Word
The why and how of memorizing Scripture—even though you can Google any verse you like.
A Whole Woman of Faith: The Need for Doctrine and Deeds
I have learned it is not a question of, “Is theology or good deeds more important?”, but rather, “Are you cultivating both?”
The Foundations of a Proper Heart Attitude
Before we begin learning how to study the Bible, we need to set our foundations. It is critical that we understand the purpose and characteristics of the Bible if we want to study it well. If we are to rightly delight in the Word of God, we must begin with a knowledge of it.
Hope for the Indecisive in the Sufficiency of Scripture
Life presents a multitude of decisions to make: Who to marry, should I marry, what school do I attend, what degree do I take, what career do I pursue. How do we make a decision that honours God? Scripture is sufficient for any decision you need to make.