What We Can Learn from Jesus’ Prayer in Gethsemane

The night before the cross, Jesus took his friends to a common place: the Garden of Gethsemane. He knew His suffering, humiliation, and death were near, but He didn’t hide. Instead, He prayed and asked His closest friends to pray with Him.

“And going a little farther he fell on his face and prayed, saying, ‘My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will.’” (Matthew 26:39)

There’s much truth, beauty, and goodness to be unpacked from this passage in its entirety. But I want us to focus on how Jesus’ prayer instructs our prayers in the midst of our suffering.

Prayer is painful in suffering. How do we pray to the One whose sovereign hand allowed this to occur? How do we pray to the One who does as He pleases and doesn’t change His mind? How do we pray when our faith is feeble? How do we pray when we’re angry with the lot God has drawn for us?

Continue reading at Well-Watered Women.

Lara d'Entremont

Hey, friend! I’m Lara d’Entremont—follower of Christ, wife, mother, and biblical counsellor. My desire in writing is to teach women to turn to God’s Word in the midst of their daily life and suffering to find the answers they need. She wants to teach women to love God with both their minds and hearts.


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