Patience With Our Words

While I’m the one who does the majority of the cooking in our home, my husband is the one who has the true patience of a cook. When he fries meat for us, he gradually simmers the onions and meat on low heat so they are not only thoroughly cooked, but also laden with flavor.

But when I fry vegetables or meat, I crank the stove burner to the highest setting. Sometimes my hurried method works, but in the process I usually get splattered by sizzling oil. Other times it results in a crispy outer layer and under-cooked food inside. Other times my food is burnt beyond edibility.

My husband has this same patience for starting a fire. He will slowly work to build the fire up, carefully adding one piece of kindling at a time to keep from smothering the flame. I, on the other hand, will throw all the wood I can on top of the smallest cinder in hopes that I can walk away and let the fire do its work of burning and warming our home.

Patience is a virtue I am continually chipping away at. In a similar way to these ordinary tasks, I’m learning to be slow and patient with my words as well. And I find these two pictures of patience from my husband to be a helpful reminder of what that patience looks like.

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Lara d'Entremont

Hey, friend! I’m Lara d’Entremont—follower of Christ, wife, mother, and biblical counsellor. My desire in writing is to teach women to turn to God’s Word in the midst of their daily life and suffering to find the answers they need. She wants to teach women to love God with both their minds and hearts.

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