Welcome to My Journal!
UPDATE: I’ve moved my regular writing to Substack! This is now my archives.
Here on my blog, I love to write personal stories, truths I’m learning from studying Scripture, lessons I’ve learned from those wiser than me, and what God is teaching me through writing.
I’d for you sit back in your favourite chair while the little ones sleep or while you’re on break from work and read a bit of what I’m thinking on these days. Feel free to reach out with any questions or thoughts of your own!
Holding Grief and Joy in Tandem
While living on this earth marred by sin’s curse, we will always be in this awkward place of celebration and mourning. Some losses that caused us grief may be restored and replaced, while others may not or cannot be. And so in those times we will walk our road holding hands with joy and grief, sometimes talking to one more than the other.
When You Have Nothing To Offer
In those moments of trying to string words together into cohesive prayers, I came before God naked. I had nothing to show. I felt like a peasant in rags before the high king in his royal robes. Who am I Lord, to stand before you? None of my good works could carry me to his throne or make me presentable in his presence. Only Christ’s righteousness brought me there.
Kindness & Jeremiah (A Personal Update)
We’ve been public about the lives and deaths of these babies not to draw attention to ourselves but because we want to acknowledge their lives. Though these babies never breathed the air we breathe, though they never cried, and though they never grew beyond such a tiny size, they are life. And life lost should always be a life acknowledged and grieved.
Idols of a Mother’s Heart—Book Review
In her book Idols of a Mother’s Heart, Christina Fox sets out to help mothers recognize the idols they have stored away in the corners of their hearts. But she doesn’t leave us mothers there with a pile of idols to clean up on our own—she guides mothers how to turn from those idols and back to God.
The Calling of Motherhood for the Worrisome Mother
In motherhood, there are many things I want control of. I want to control my child’s health and safety. I want to control their future happiness. I want to control their behavior. I want to control their salvation and ensure that they become believers. Yet I need to entrust those to God.
It is Well With My Soul—Even Though I Am Not in Control
Does motherhood feel more fearful that joyful? It did for me, and here’s how God comforted me in my unending anxiety.
Grace for the Pregnant Housewife
First time pregnant wife, do you know the guilt of having a messy home but being too tired and sick to clean it? It doesn’t need to stay this way. I want to offer you true change and hope from the Bible that I had to work through in those early months of pregnancy as a housewife.
The Right Kind of Hope
We want hope that will help us persevere in the suffering that will inevitably come. But for our hope to do this, it needs to be set on something. Friend, which kind of hope do you have? Is your hope sure, or does it only lead to more pain and anxiety?