Should I Use A Commentary for Bible Study?

I was in elementary school when I asked for my first Bible. I had read my children’s Bible cover to cover and was ready for the real deal. I didn’t want to use the church pew Bibles or the ones stacked in the corner of my Sunday school classroom anymore. As we went into the Christian bookstore, my mom explained to the owner what we were looking for. He pulled out a white imitation leather Bible with gold on the edges of the pages. 

“This one should be perfect for you,” he said. “It’s a version that’s easy to read—it’s great for children about her age who are good readers.”

I looked at the Bible, then at the man. “But… is it a real Bible?” 

My mom was humiliated, but the man laughed heartily and said, “Do you think my Bibles aren’t real Bibles?” He went on to explain that this Bible was like any other; it was just an easier translation. 

I wasn’t trying to humiliate my mother or suggest that the store owner was some kind of shady, fake Bible seller. Rather, I didn’t want to read the words of someone else anymore—I wanted to hear God speak to me clearly through his Word. 

Many of us come with a similar fear when thinking about using commentaries or study Bibles. We wonder if we’re compromising on God’s Word or if we’re neglecting the hard work of studying Scripture for ourselves. We hear people say things like, “No creed but the Bible!” and accuse each other of following the teachings of man rather than God. We don’t want to do that. However, commentaries can be a great asset to our time with God when we use them well and choose the right ones. 

Continue reading at Well-Watered Women.

Lara d'Entremont

Hey, friend! I’m Lara d’Entremont—follower of Christ, wife, mother, and biblical counsellor. My desire in writing is to teach women to turn to God’s Word in the midst of their daily life and suffering to find the answers they need. She wants to teach women to love God with both their minds and hearts.

It Takes a Village to be a Writer


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