Welcome to My Journal!

UPDATE: I’ve moved my regular writing to Substack! This is now my archives.

Here on my blog, I love to write personal stories, truths I’m learning from studying Scripture, lessons I’ve learned from those wiser than me, and what God is teaching me through writing.

I’d for you sit back in your favourite chair while the little ones sleep or while you’re on break from work and read a bit of what I’m thinking on these days. Feel free to reach out with any questions or thoughts of your own!

Ordinary Faith Lara d'Entremont Ordinary Faith Lara d'Entremont

Learning to Tame Our Temper

My anger acts in a similar way at times. It screams and refuses to be overlooked until it gets what it wants. It demands to be noticed. What do we control our anger when it demands its way? How can we submit it to God’s commands to be patient, loving, and kind? We begin in our hearts. 

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Ordinary Faith Lara d'Entremont Ordinary Faith Lara d'Entremont

The Gift of Insufficiency

What’s wrong with self-sufficiency? The problem is that we are far from capable of doing it all on our own. This misplaced desire to be self-sufficient causes a number of problems: legalism, broken community, and idolatry.

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Ordinary Faith Lara d'Entremont Ordinary Faith Lara d'Entremont

Afraid to Die

Though I now laugh at my childhood (and adulthood) paranoia, many of us fear our own death. We consider this a normal fear—and if someone didn’t share in this fear, we may consider them odd. But does the Bible promote this attitude? Perhaps we should consider our fear and see what God’s Word has to say about it.

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Ordinary Faith Lara d'Entremont Ordinary Faith Lara d'Entremont

Healthy Lifestyle As Idolatry

Though I told people I lived a healthy lifestyle in order to tame my anxiety and to make me feel better, that wasn’t my true motivation. I was motivated by idolatry. Any motive or desire left unchecked, whether godly or vain, can become an idol—something more important than loving and obeying God.

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